Edited August 27, 2018
Table of Contents
I. External Financing of Harakaat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin AL-SHABAAB - Charity organization and a Salafist mosque
A. AL-FOURQAAN mosque and foundation in The Netherlands.
II. External Financing of Harakaat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin AL-SHABAAB - Money Transfer Business
B. RAYAN CARGO BV, TAAJ in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
An in-depth study of the available intelligence and investigations of the remittance businesses, a charity organization, and a Salafist mosque in the Netherlands has led to a substantial number of unusual money transfers to Somalia and Kenya. The suspicious activity reports and suspicious transfer reports (SAR’s and STR’s) showed, that these unusual money transfers partly end up with the terrorism organization Hakaraat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin (Al-Shabaab).
The mosque Al-Fourqaan received media attention since 2005 for its jihadist Sudanese-born imam Eisha Eltayeb Bersham (a.k.a. Abu Tareq or Abu Tariq) from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Also was investigated the US Senate’s 17 July 2012 report ‘Al-Qaida List of Financial Benefactors’[5] which mentioned the Al-Qaida list of financial benefactors and which list came to light in March 2002, after a police search of the Bosnian offices of the Benevolence International Foundation (BIF), a Saudi based nonprofit organization, which was also designated as a terrorist organization by the US Treasury Department and led to the seizure of a CD-ROM and computer hard drive with numerous Al-Qaida documents.[6] One computer file contained scanned images of several hundred documents chronicling the formation of Al-Qaida. One of the scanned documents contained a handwritten list of 20 individuals identified as key financial contributors to Al-Qaida. Osama bin Laden apparently referred to that group of individuals as the ‘Golden Chain’.[7] The mentioned list of purported terrorism sponsors includes at least 20 top Saudi and Gulf State financial sponsors including bankers, businessmen, and former ministers.[8] Part of the list included computer file titles ‘Tarekh Osama’ or ‘Osama History’, but the appellation ‘Golden Chain’ itself is due to Al-Qaida defector Jamal al-Fadl, who vouched for its authenticity.
The US Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) later also pronounced the document as genuine. The ‘Golden Chain’ document has been discussed in the 9/11 Commission’s report, in federal court filings and civil lawsuits.
Conducted investigations of the ‘Golden Chain’ - a list purported sponsors of Al-Qaida, that was seized in a March 2002 raid by Bosnian and Herzegovina police authorities of the premises of the Benevolence International Foundation (BIF) in Sarajevo,[9] showed that:
Another source mentions especially referring to the Dutch mosque: “…Prior to their arrest, the 12 men used to congregate at Eindhoven's Al-Fourqaan mosque, a facility notorious for its radical activities.
For years, the Al-Fourqaan mosque hosted seminars on Islamic law organized by the Al-Waqf al-Islami Foundation, a well-funded Saudi-based organization. These courses, characterized by the extreme anti-Western views expressed, were attended by hundreds of Islamic radicals from across Europe, including some of the planners of the 9/11 attacks. According to Dutch intelligence sources, Mounir al-Motassadeq, convicted January 2007 in Germany for his role in the infamous Hamburg cell, received funding at the Al-Fourqaan mosque…”.[17]
Investigations also reveal ties between:
Also acting on classified information from the US Department of Defense National Security Agency (NSA):
“The remittance sector has been identified globally as the most frequently used way to funnel money to terrorist organizations”
An in-depth study of the available intelligence and investigations of the remittance businesses in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the northern and western part of Europe has unveiled a significant number of unusual money transfers to Somalia and Kenya.
The suspicious activity reports and suspicious transfer reports (SAR’s and STR’s) showed that these unusual money transfers partly end up with the terrorism organization Hakaraat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin (Al-Shabaab) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or Da’esh).
One major worldwide operating money transfer business and small payment institution, TAAJ Services (Taaj), is one of the companies that facilitate money transfers to fund terrorist organizations in Somalia.
According to a Somali press release of December 2015 the possibility of money transfers from the Netherlands to Somalia was offered by Taaj.[35]
Also appears according to the register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce[42] and the registers of the Financial Conduct Authority[43] and Companies House[44] in the United Kingdom, that:
Furthermore it is known that:
Between January 2016 and July 2018 financial and criminal information has shown, that money transfers and cash flows, to persons and bank accounts in Somalia, Kenya and the UAE, were related to Al Shabaab and/or ISIL and/or affiliates.
Dutch Chamber of Commerce Al-Fourkaan:
Rechtspersoon/Rechtsvorm : Stichting
Statutaire naam : Al Fourkaan (Stichting Islamitisch Cultureel Centrum)
Verkorte naam : Al Fourkaan (aka Al-Fourqaan and or A-Fourquan)
Statutaire zetel : Eindhoven The Netherlands
Adres : Otterstraat 2, 5622 AL Eindhoven NL
Telefoonnummer : +31 (0)40 2461404
Oprichting : 08-06-1988
Naam :Al Hussaini, Abdullah Osman Abdulrahman
Geboortedatum :25-12-1947
Adres :Medinastraat, Jeddah, Saudi-Arabië
Infunctietreding :25-09-1989
Titel :Voorzitter
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Imad Eldin Bakri Ismail
:Geboortedatum en –plaats :12-11-1957, Tandaltti, Soedan
Adres :NL
Infunctietreding :25-09-1989
Titel :Penningmeester
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Alhusain, Salin Ibnou Abderrahman
Geboortedatum :30-10-1932
Adres :Alaokaf Building no.2Flat 28, Almadina Almonawarah, Saudi-Arabië
Infunctietreding :01-06-1991
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Alhusayni, Adil Hamad Abderrahman
Geboortedatum :29-05-1963
Adres :Aladamah Street, Villa 23, Dammam, Saudi-Arabië
Infunctietreding :01-06-1991
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Essalumi, Mohamed IBN Abdullah
Geboortedatum :06-03-1954
Adres :Alhada Street, Flat no. 210, Attaif, Saudi-Arabië
Infunctietreding :01-06-1991
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Galal Osman Ahmed Kehil
Geboortedatum en –plaats :19-08-1966, El-Taif, Saudi-Arabië
Adres :NL
Infunctietreding :01-02-1996
Bevoegdheid :Gezamenlijk bevoegd (met andere bestuurder(s), zie statuten)
Naam :Nejjar, Amar
Geboortedatum en –plaats :12-03-1979, El Aïoun, Marokko
Adres :NL
Infunctietreding :06-12-2005
Titel :Hoofd Administratie
[1] https://www.nctv.nl/binaries/10777_Salafisme_NL_tcm31-239080.pdf
[2] https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2007/04/28/eindhovense-imam-terecht-uitgewezen-11316241-a595469
[3] https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06THEHAGUE368_a.html
[4] Ibid.
[5] https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-112shrg76646/pdf/CHRG-112shrg76646.pdf
[6] https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/po3632.aspx
[7] http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6416
[8] http://acdemocracy.org/saudi-arabia-the-golden-chain-and-the-missing-28-pages/
[9] http://investi.virtualave.net/Golden%20Chain%20Analyses.htm
[10] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.politics/myqmfryWBT8
[11] https://www.kvk.nl/zoeken/archief/?/?handelsnaam=&woonplaats=&kvknummer=41090956
[12] http://shariafinance.blogspot.com/2008/10/golden-chain.html
[13] Source: the Dutch Intelligence and Security Services
[14] https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06THEHAGUE368_a.html
[16] http://www.waqf.nl/
[17] https://www.investigativeproject.org/169/dutch-lessons
[18] https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2016/12/01/link-eindhovense-moskee-met-al-qaeda-financiers-5612582-a1534618
[19] https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl0462.aspx
[20] http://www.carelbrendel.nl/2017/01/13/koeweitse-sjeik-sprak-in-eindhoven-dag-na-toevoeging-aan-amerikaanse-terreurlijst/
[21] http://www.carelbrendel.nl/2017/01/11/bestuurslid-al-fourkaan-moskee-lid-van-nog-meer-extremistische-organisaties/
[22] Source: Intelligence and Security Services (Ministry of Defense)
[23] Ibid.
[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abubakar_Olusola_Saraki
[25] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/10098476
[26] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/10101921
[27] Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) 5/27/2009, 12/9/2010 (US Department of the Treasury)
[28] http://www.taajservices.com/
[29] https://www.kvk.nl/orderstraat/bedrijf-kiezen/?q=rayan+cargo#!shop?&q=rayan%20cargo&start=0&prefproduct=&prefpayment=
[30] https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/markets/Swedish-money-transfer-firm-Taaj-sets-up-in-Kenya/539552-3083312-6kw1hi/index.html
[31] https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000RwynLAAR
[32] https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000Mfu1kAAB
[33] Source: (Ministry of Justice and Safety)
[34] Source: Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number 24495736
[35] https://hiiraan.com/news/2015/dec/wararka_maanta29-94330.htm
[36] https://register.fca.org.uk/shpo_searchresultspage?search=juba+telecom&TOKEN=3wq1nht7eg7tr
[37] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf-6arvlY0g
[38] https://www.transplo.com/NL/Rotterdam/484882914996336/Mogadishu-Logistics#location
[39] https://www.facebook.com/Rayan-international-cargo-877612415619695/
[40] https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000003LFUuoAAH
[41] https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000RwynLAAR
[42] https://drimble.nl/bedrijf/rotterdam/31250130/rayan-cargo-bv.html and https://drimble.nl/bedrijf/rotterdam/25305697/g-international-logistics-bv.html
[43] https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000NMgTiAAL and https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000NMPY9AAP
[44] https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/officers/vKn1RbkMoyf7Z729rba6-lBBnJg/appointments
[45] Source: Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number 24495736
[46] Source: Intelligence and Security Services (Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations)
[47] Cit. at footnote 45.
[48] Source: (Ministry of Finance)
[49] Source: (Ministry of Justice and Safety)
[50] https://www.politie.nl/nieuws/2017/oktober/24/07-witwassen.html
[51] https://www.om.nl/actueel/nieuwsberichten/@100740/grootschalige/
[52] KvK search number 63499975
[53] Source: (Ministry of Justice and Safety).