Reality is the working paradox that defies control

Ultrascan AGI & HUMINT

Is it that we see a different, more frightening world than you do?

Our enemies are no longer nations and do not exist on a map but are non-state actors and unknown individuals. Look around you, who do you fear? Can you see a face, a uniform, a flag? No.

Yet, before breakfast in their pajamas, they can do more damage from their laptops than an intelligence agent can during a year in the field. Online organized crime doesn't know law and order, has a Wild West mentality, and is lawless to the core. Anarchy.

While transparency became fashionable in the West, the world is not more transparent now. Today it's more opaque, in the shadows, and that's where we do battle. So, before you declare that irrelevant, ask yourselves, how safe do you feel?


Ultrascan is an association of 51 partners managing 3284 experts in 69 countries. Ultrascan has been established in 1996.

The scope of our work is Anti Money Laundering - Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) and the Nexus Terrorism - disrupting Transnational Criminal Networks. This scope generates HUMINT and access to primary sources in and outside the chain of command.

Our vision is that to enable new security policy as well as geo-policy, one first has to align with the current one to compile an intelligence analysis.

Unlimited access to information and people gave us a good sense for seemingly insignificant or isolated events and the " Butterfly Effect "

In the past 18 years, Ultrascan has set up a human intelligence network, coordinating the international cooperation of 3284 experts in over 69 countries. These experts, provide the basis for Professional Investigative Services. Assist you with Corporate Investigations or be your source for effective security risk management and Policy to mitigate crime trends or imminent incidents.

Even though Researching Organized Crime and Terrorism through undercover investigations brings certain personal security risks, as operational security is maintained it is most gratifying to reveal illegal financial crime trends, tracing cross border assets, map networks of anonymous suspects in hostile environments, and enable international security operations to counter terror funding or fraud.

Ultrascan has extensive experience with identifying, locating, mapping, monitoring, analyzing, and predicting perpetrators of cross border fraud, money laundering, and the planning, funding, communications, and support of terrorism for local or international religious extremists as a fast-growing component of ideological struggle, as well as geopolitical.

Implementing strategic security audits to detect when fraud and money laundering is shifting from a criminal-inspired activity into an ideology-driven terror funding mechanism, is particularly useful for counter-terrorism financing, anti-money laundering, sanctions, and compliance security measures.

"We have the tools and resources. Managed appropriately we effectively monitor with impact assessments in place"

al Qaeda fighters from Iran, in the West

Monitoring the communications and travel patterns revealed the existence of small groups of Iranian fighters in the West, possible an imminent threat.

Iran’s relationship with al-Qaeda : It’s complicated

The juxtaposition of al-Qaeda as in theory an arch-foe of the Iranian regime while at the same time having senior members inside Iran, underscores a very complex relationship that Tehran has with the terrorist organization. In its ties with al-Qaeda, Iran seeks to leverage the group, use it as a card in promoting regional interest and utilize it operationally against the West or Israel or Arab neighbors.


During an early morning observation in March 2017 we monitored a small group of al Qaeda fighters in the Netherlands, experienced soldiers, not the typical returnees. They crashed a packed student party with the music peaking at 110db and were cracking jokes about "how do you recognize an al Qaeda fighter from Iran? his nose points a little bit to the left". The group was having a blast and cheering: "we are al Qa'ida AND Iranian"


Al Qaeda, The Shadow Where Crime Becomes Ideology

Al Qaeda projects itself as an organization fighting for the greater good. In reality it is nothing more than a name that different groups (can) hide behind and attach itself to the Al Qaeda "brand".

It does not take a brilliant mind to think of ways this system can be exploited. Organizations that have enemies and competitors that are extremely determined. If any of those enemies were to attack their competitor they would not have any good way of doing that without outing themselves as the culprit.

This is where Al Qaeda comes in. Thus, diverting blame from themselves and onto, largely, unsuspecting groups of people who flock to the al Qaeda "ideals". Leaving the real perpetrators in the dark behind the Al Qaeda shadow were crime becomes ideology!

More attacks are planned by AQ affiliates (and offshoots) against the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Australia and in the EU, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria and the UK. (Threat Map)

Imminent threats and incidents in western Europe will raise national alert levels in the first quarter of 2017.


first published by Ultrascan Humint (between 2009 and) March 04, 2017